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Monday, April 18, 2011

Some Serious Psychotic Issues Against Communism

Yes, I came from a secular university, but I have serious psychological hatreds against militant activists. Suppose that Philippines becomes a socialist state...what next?

You are supposed to know that because you are the ones who are pushing for it in the first place. I know, you look always looked up at Cuba, but, it might have escaped your notice but Philippines is not Cuba! We, no, you do not even have someone as charismatic as Fidel Castro to help you. Jose Maria Sison? Where the hell is he? He is in the Netherlands! I have always wondered that if he is a hardcore socialist and if he is the true leader of the Communist Party of the Philippines, why on earth is he not in the last strongholds of communism which are Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, or China? Consistency. Consistency.


Lenin fucked up communism as Marx thought it. Okay, Marx said that we need to overthrow the bourgeious majority and let the mode of production be equally distributed to all, but here comes Lenin saying that there must first be a proletarian dictatorship in order for things to be set in place. I say, "To hell with you, Lenin." Calling a proletarian dictatorship is still dictatorship. So, where the hell is the equality there?

And why change the structure of the society in the first place if you are only going to change the faces? It took the Communist Party of Russia more than seventy years to figure that out. And the same nutheads from the Party left their Dear Mother Russia in pieces. So much for a communist revolution, huh.

Same goes for China. 

Well, we have to credit them for being smart enough not to imitate the Russians. But you see, they call themselves communists (or like what the activists like to call them, socialists), they call their country communist, but they have the biggest capitalist system today that USA and Europe actually considers them an "economic miracle." Consistency. You might ask: then why don't they want to be consistent? Because, you see, the members of the Communist Party of China don't have balls. Why? If they admitted to the Chinese people that China is already a capitalist country and no longer a communist one, then they will lose their credibility. They are afraid to lose power. Sounds so bourgeouis. They are scared shitless of what the people will do. And does it sound like the "Mandate of Heaven" to you? Yes, it actually does. Sounds so bourgeouis. And this bourgeouis thinking was what Mao Zedong actually tried to eradicate during the Chinese and Cultural Revolution.

Consistency. Consistency.

You see, communism is not an evil paper. But I want us to look at the history books and watch the current events and see how well communism/socialism turned out. And if Philippine Maoists/Communists/Leninist/Socialist/wh
atever the hell they want to be called are going to use Russia, Cuba and China as an example, then I can just see how f***** up this country will be.

Stop acting as if you are the only ones who care for this country.


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