Do we, as humans, really have a core or are we just trying to put ourselves into this kind of illusion to have some stability in this essentially unstable existence?
I believe firmly on the latter.
Human society and civilization itself wouldn't survive without man trying to put order in the chaotic nature of his surroundings.
He needs order and he needs to make sense of his world and the people around him. thus, the never-ending construction of concepts and tangibles that he knew would strangle him someday.
However, it is unfortunate that that someday also collides with the same construction of principles and tangibles.
Man, as rational as he is, cannot anymore withdraw from the constructs which he built; try as he might to resist it. thus, he constructs new things hoping that this new abstracts and tangibles would help him. But no, he ends up strangling himself all the more.
what really is the reason for this construct/meaning-making?
It only has one answer.
Existence itself doesn't have a core, humans don't have a core, there is no core.
It is an illusion man created to comfort himself.
These ideas are not new anymore, but this idea frees us from the superficiality of life. with this kind of realization, it is easier to understand suffering, it is easier to understand wars, and most importantly, through this, it is easier to accept the human condition and the mortality of man.
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