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Monday, April 18, 2011

School is Useless

School is useless.

Yes. You heard me. School is useless.

Let me ask you, how much have you remembered your elementary and high school lessons?
And how much of it is helping you now with your job?

Not really much, I know.

Another proof. Students have been taught the eight parts of speech from kinder to high school (fuck, colleges even have basic English subjects) and still, still, students do not seem to remember anything! Until now, no ordinary average person gives a fuck about calculus and how Christopher Columbus fucked up America by naming the natives "Indians".

My point. Relieve the children off the stress that school gives. Leave the teachers fucking alone and let them find another less stressing 8-5 job.

Formal education is just society's way of saving money up. Think of all the teachers that the government will pay if each student has a teacher.

It is just a very cheap way of educating the next generation of workers! But what I cannot understand is that, if they are just going to be teachers, clerks, janitors, doctors, waitresses, lawyers, bank tellers, salesman, etc, what the fuck is the use of forcing them to learn literature, grammar, arithmetic, and Science? What the fuck is the connection?

Scrap formal education. Let us just go back to the apprenticeship system. Sounds more practical to me. Let the children decide for themselves what they want to learn. You want to be an architect? Find someone who will teach you! Want to be a doctor? Find someone who will teach you!

Point is, society has forced education to the throats of the children that by the time they reach adolescence, they are just fucking fed up with studying. You cannot blame them for being bored. Why not let them to choose how they will be educated? Why not teach them to fucking stand by their own feet? Anyway, they are so proud of their dicks proclaiming how they are not a child anymore and can very well take care of themselves. Well, what the fuck are you doing sucking off money from your parents' pockets? School sucks right? So get your ass off to find your own teacher!


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