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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rain Is The Most Influential Person In The Whole Friggin World

I just can't believe that Rain is the most influential person in the world according to Time Magazine.

He is the most influential person in the world. *clap clap clap*

Give me a f****** break.

I know that Rain is popular in Asia and all, and that he had a Hollywood movie that flopped, but seriously, these things are not the things that make somebody so influential. He wouldn't even come close to Lady Gaga (I am not a her fan either), so why on earth did he top the list, sidestepping more important, and more relevant people?

I actually took Time's poll, so my ranting here is not some random bitching. I browsed and voted for some odd-200 people only to see Rain's initial results to be the highest among those said 200. I was confused, then was enraged when I saw that 6-digit result flashing, mocking my choices. Seriously, since when did he become more influential than Obama or to some extent even Osama? But still, I clicked that "Not Influential" button, hoping that there are still some sensible people around. But alas! Weeks after, I saw an article about him topping the list of one of the most influential news magazines in the world. I could have forgiven Time with Lady Gaga last year, but him? Really? Time! Christ Jesus.

That's the problem with online polls and internet connection. South Koreans have faster internet connections, so maybe the fangirls raped the influential button.

Oh well, we all know how fangirls can turn the tides of population and sidestep more deserving people off (American Idol, anyone?). And I don't care about Korean fangirls or any fangirls for that matter at my doorstep.

I will do this to any angry fangirl at my doorstep. Seriously, have a life.

I have yet to read the Time 100 issue, as I am hoping that the Time people will ponder still on the results. As for now, I'm hoping that he's not on top. It would be a slap on the face of some.


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