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Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Very Late American Idol Season 11 Review

I know that this post was really, really late but I am still going to post this nonetheless.

I was planning on not watching American Idol for this season seeing the travesty that was Season 10 wherein I thought that the rock poser James Durbin had a very very great chance of winning and I actually stopped watching after Haley Reinhart got eliminated. However, the media was pimping up Jessica Sanchez so I started watching.
The voting system is rigged because Scotty won last season. And yeah, he looked like MADdie.
So here is what I think of the contestants for American Idol season 11. But I started watching in the Top 8 performance night so I’ll start with…

Heejun Han – can’t really say much about him. But he doesn’t have charisma and even a powerful voice to suffice. He just really didn’t make a mark because I only watched him once. 

DeAndre Brackensick- I’m annoyed with his falsetto. Falsetto is good in some parts of songs but it just doesn’t sound good if you sing an entire song using it. But I have to admit that his whole voice sounds good. I wish he could’ve used that to strengthen his chances of staying longer.

Colton Dixon – He is the James Durbin of this season. And not because of the talent. Colton’s similarity with Durbin lies in the fact that the former e is also a rock poser. He was a travesty of what Durbin was last season. Sure, Durbin was also a poser, but does he have fucking sick vocals. Unlike Colton who tries so hard to rock it makes me want to puke (that Lady Gaga cover was overdone and was so forced). He also knows that he is cute and does he know how to use it whenever he looks at the camera. God, I just don’t like him. Though Philipps can’t hold a candle to him in terms of vocals, well, he at least is not as irritating as him.

Elise Testone – She is my favorite among the girls. But god, she was so inconsistent that it was actually not a surprise when she got eliminated. I like her smooth and soothing voice and her runs were just sick. However, the only performance I liked from her was her version of “Whole Lotta Love.” Sure, the song was just wrong since it was about sex in the perspective of a man, but she killed that one. Sure, Lambert killed this song too before and killed it with his atmospheric voice, but Elise gave justice to it by paying tribute to the classic that it was. And yeah, I love her scream. I find it ironic though that she got eliminated during the Queen week, seeing as her voice really soars whenever she does rock songs. I hope though that somebody would sign her up. We definitely need female rockers like her.

Skylar Laine – She is a good singer, hands down, but I just don’t like her and I just don’t know why.  Maybe because of her vocals that, I don’t know, it just sounds to scream-y and screechy it’s uncomfortable.

Hollie Cavanagh – Vocally speaking, I also do not like her. Skylar’s better. She can’t belt, she actually shouts those high notes. Enough said.

Joshua Ledet – Well, hands down to him. People might say that they don’t like him because he screams and all. But that’s what makes his voice unique. He can shout and scream a fucking note without going off-key or sounding too much. And we should also note the fact that his lower register is just as fucking gorgeous. So it was rather a let-down that America let him go.

Jessica Sanchez – Fucking powerhouse vocals. If she were in my country, she would have won. I can’t say anything anymore about her. People might say she’s boring and shit, still whenever she sings, the audience just gets captivated. And yeah, I liked her rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner during Pacquiao’s fight. It really roused nationalistic tendencies (okay, that’s not about AI). Oh well.

Philip Philipps – Okay. His voice his good, but vocally, he doesn’t hold a candle to Jessica. So as to why he won just blows me to no end. 

I was actually rooting for a Jessica – Joshua face-off with either of the two winning because, come’ on, both of them are talented, talented vocalists that I would actually not mind the other one losing because the one who would win would still deserve it. It’s actually a win-win situation should that have happened. They would have both deserved it. So, I was truly disappointed that Joshua got eliminated before the finale because right there and then I knew that it would be Philipps that would win and not Jessica. Right then and there I knew that the fangirls will choose a non-threatening Philipps over a much more fucking talented Jessica. And I decided to stop watching. I didn’t watch the finale nor got interested in the results. 

So much for fucking letting the voters vote to no end. Good going again, American Idol.

P.S. Jessica and Philip look cute together. XD So for that, here's a picture of them.

I ship them. :D *fan squeal*


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